Through Better Business

But what does “better business” look like? With the sustainability bandwagon getting more and more crowded, it can be tough to know. That’s why we’re laying out our vision in plain English:

  • Establishing a 3 step approach to hold ourselves accountable
  • Outlining priorities to reduce our footprint
  • Committing to concrete changes by 2025

The fashion industry dumps 2.1 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere every year. That's equal to the pollution from 456,707,817 cars in the same timeframe. Why so much? Because our industry loves fossil fuels—to power factories, ship things, and make materials. In other words, most of what we wear is made from plastic, and plastic comes from oil, a fossil fuel.

It wasn’t always this way. In fact, humans really only became obsessed with plastic over the last 80 years. So we asked ourselves, “Would it be better if we went back to making things from natural materials?”

Climate change is a complex topic. Which is why we’re focused on what we can control: driving our emissions to zero. We do this with a data-driven approach, investing in projects, systems, and tools that maximize our potential for positive impact. Today, we have a three-part approach to address our climate impact: we measure our emissions, reduce our footprint, and work to support the removal of carbon emissions from the atmosphere.


نحن نقيس كل ما يساهم في البصمة الكربونية لدينا، بدءًا من أرضية المصنع وحتى الأضواء في المقر الرئيسي.


We are continuously working to reduce our climate impact, driving carbon reductions through work in regenerative agriculture, renewable materials, and responsible energy.

Learn More:



While striving for longer-term climate goals, we are also working to support nature-based carbon removal projects that are more closely related to our value chain.

Learn More:


الزراعة المتجددة

تغيير ممارساتنا الزراعية لخلق تربة صحية وإزالة ثاني أكسيد الكربون من الغلاف الجوي بشكل فعال.

المواد المتجددة

Replacing virgin petroleum-based materials with natural and recycled ones, and inventing alternatives that don’t yet exist.

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الطاقة المسؤولة

استخدام وقود وكهرباء أنظف، وتقليل استخدامهما في البداية.

كما قلنا، كان الحد من تأثيرنا البيئي هو أولويتنا منذ اليوم الأول. فيما يلي بعض الأسباب البارزة للاحتفال في رحلتنا إلى الصفر من الانبعاثات.

  • راحة أثناء الارتداء طوال اليوم

    خفيفة الوزن، ونطاطة، ومريحة للغاية، أحذية Allbirds تجعل أي نزهة تشعر بالسهولة. ارتديها أو اربطها أو قم بتمريرها واستمتع بالدعم المريح.
  • الاستدامة في كل خطوة

    From materials to transport, we’re working to reduce our carbon footprint to near zero. Holding ourselves accountable and striving for climate goals isn’t a 30-year goal—it’s now.
  • مواد من الأرض

    We replace petroleum-based synthetics with natural alternatives wherever we can. Like using wool, tree fiber, and sugar cane. They’re soft, breathable, and better for the planet—win, win, win.